The 3 main intellectual outputs (IOs)

the activities

IO1 – Gap assessment and roadmap for the development of the training program.

Considering child participation essential in the decision-making process related to their development and future, it was important to collect the gaps and difficulties UASC saw as relevant hindrances on their path of integration into society in their host countries. Therefore, a comprehensive gap assessment was conducted as IO1. This was done in two parts, one addressing professionals working with UASC, and one addressing UASC (and UASC recently turned 18) themselves. The gap assessments were both conducted using a qualitative and quantitative approach, and the research instruments were based on previous research on working with migrants, in particular refugees.

Gap assessment regarding professionals working with UASC Professionals meant cultural mediators, social operators, psychologists, heads of departments at local social services, or other professionals targeted depending on the structure of the national reception system. The results of the surveys were used to formulate a comprehensive report on the needs and gaps of knowledge and skills of professionals. The conclusions were systematized, and the document was used as a base for developing the training program.

Gap assessment regarding UASC and UASC turning 18 Results were used to elaborate a report, which contributed to the development of the training materials and guaranteed that the most pressing necessities were tackled by the developed training. Both gap assessments had a direct impact on the further activities of the proposed project since they were crucial to developing relevant training materials. They also formed a very interesting basis for other activities. For example, the results of the surveys, interviews, and focus groups could be analyzed scientifically to increase the understanding of what approaches to integration work best or which ones are most appreciated by UASC. The extensive information collected could also contribute to the work by institutions beyond the project consortium, for example, other NGOs or state and international agencies.

You can read the report of the IO1 bellow:




