The outputs

There have been 3 Intellectual Outputs (IOs) developed during the lifespan of the project.

  1. 1- Gap assessment and roadmap

    The initial approach, based on gap assessment and a roadmap, led to a strategy for the development of training (IO1). The gap assessment and roadmap for the training program development occurred along two tracks: the first involved assessing the needs and current practices of professionals, while the second aimed to gather the needs and critical feedback expressed directly by the beneficiaries of this intervention, namely the UASC (Unaccompanied Asylum-Seeking Children) and former UASC who have turned 18. A report on the current situation, gaps and needs is elaborated and outlined of training programmes designed tailored in the national findings.

  2. 2- Training Programme

    IO2 involved the creation of a report detailing the results obtained from interactions with unaccompanied migrant children. The implications of these results were elaborated upon and shared with the partner to be taken into consideration in the design of the training program (IO2). Building on the inputs provided in IO1, the selection of modules for the future training was determined. The development of the training program under IO2 focused on providing training for employees working with UASC and young adults, aiming to better address the specific needs of this population.

  3. 4ONE ANOTHER E-Learning Platform

    In the preceding phase, the partners worked to convert the training program into an e-learning platform. This included incorporating a set of questions and answers for self-assessment. All the contents were published on the electronic platform, which could have been Moodle or a similar platform. As part of IO3, pilot tests were carried out to verify that the course contents aligned with the objectives set and served as the initial stage of the project. Finally, the final platform underwent testing in pilot evaluation meetings involving professionals from the sector.

The Intellectual Outputs

You can find the IOs bellow:

Gap assessment and roadmap

Training Programme

4 ONE_ANOTHER ELearning platform